If your hearing has been impaired due to your employer’s negligence in providing adequate safety equipment or training, you may be eligible to pursue compensation through an industrial deafness claim.


How do I know if I have a good case or not?

Leave that to us, call or complete our enquiry form. Employers have a legal responsibility to ensure that all staff are appropriately briefed and cared for when working in environments with consistently high noise levels. It’s also essential that you’re provided with protective equipment to minimise the risk of industrial deafness.

At RP Crawford Solicitors, our team of expert personal injury lawyers understands the importance of holding employers accountable for failing to meet these obligations. We specialise in helping individuals like you who have suffered hearing loss, industrial deafness, or tinnitus due to workplace negligence.

Workplaces where noise levels may cause hearing damage could include bars, nightclubs, construction sites, military training sites, factories, and industrial settings with machinery. If your employer has failed to fulfil their duty and your hearing has suffered as a result, we know how unfair it can feel.

For free advice tailored to your situation, call us on 028 90381024 or fill in our secure online form to arrange a callback. There is no obligation for you to pursue an industrial deafness or tinnitus claim with us. However, we can provide you with impartial advice on whether you could claim, and we’ll happily answer any questions you may have.

You’re not alone in this journey – call us today and let us support you every step of the way.

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